This document describes the terms and conditions of use of the website. Please read carefully what is written below, as by continuing to browse you will be accepting our terms and conditions.
Stella Milani srl (tax code/VAT number 02347320976), in the person of its pro tempore legal representative, has its registered office in Prato (PO), Italy, via Val D'Aosta n.24/01, and it is the company owner of this website (hereinafter referred to as the company or the business).

Subject matter - This document is a contractual agreement concerning the terms and conditions of use of the website, the legal framework applicable to the content therein, as well as the responsibilities of the company and the user.

Property rights - The name "Stella Milani" and any other distinguishing features of the company belong to our company. More generally, all the contents on this website (for example: texts, photographs, logos, icons, trademarks, sounds, video clips) are the exclusive property of our company and/or third parties and are protected by copyright and/or industrial property right.
For this reason, by browsing the website you agree that any material published may not be subject to economic exploitation, without the express written consent of the legitimate owners.

Usage restrictions and Liability - By browsing our website you agree to use it only for legitimate activities and not to engage in conduct that may infringe the rights of our company and/or third parties.
To the extent permitted by law, we or our collaborators cannot be held responsible for any damages and/or losses, if these are connected to a use of the website that does not comply with this agreement or that violates the law.
By browsing you also agree to indemnify and hold our company harmless from any obligation to compensate damages that may arise as a result of unlawful use of the website.

Changes and Breach of contract - We reserve the right to make changes to this website at any time and at our discretion.

Similarly, we may terminate or suspend user access to the website at any time, without notice and at our sole discretion, without this constituting any kind of breach of contract.

We will not be responsible for any malfunctioning of the website.

Hypertext links - may contain hypertext links to third party websites that are not under our control. Therefore we assume no responsibility for the contents published on the website and, in general, for their operation.

Processing of personal data and cookies - We assure you that the personal data processed through our website will be protected in accordance with the current national and supranational provisions. For details you can consult the privacy policy available here insert link.

In addition, we may use the so called cookies; for more information on this, see the dedicated page insert link.

Information and contact details - For any information or report you can contact us by writing to the e-mail